cabrinha transport kiteboard

SellerMichele Cito
Seller's phone0566839694
Price2,100 AED2,000 AED ( $544.588 )
Posted on2 April 2014

Ideal board to start riding a directional board, you can ride her with straps and strapless and it will feel like a surfboard but it will provide you the additional stability of a bigger board.

“The Transport satisfies the need to wander upwind or downwind over greater expanses of water. A place where neither a raceboard, a twin tip or a surfboard would feel as comfortable. The Transport is made to track upwind in a hurry but really shines when pointed off the wind. The hybrid outline delivers manoeuvrability like a surfboard while providing the directional stability of a raceboard.”

Board in excellent condition.

call me at 056 6839694

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