Starboard Blend 11,2" X 30" SUP board for sale

SellerMarcus Sutton
Seller's phone0509193920
Price4,800 AED ( $1,307.012 )
Posted on4 November 2013

Hi Selling my Starboard Blend as upgrading to a racing board. Board is in excellent condition apart from some minor marks on the rails from the paddle. Will include Pat Love board bag for 400 AED

Details are as follows:

"Paddleboarders' favorite for blending flat water and wave."The 11’2” x 30” is a proven shape with excellent flat-water performance and great wave riding characteristics for its size. Ample nose flip makes it easier for the novice’s first time into waves, without taking away from its exceptional glide qualities. Outline and extra V between the feet gives the experienced long-boarder a looser more agile ride, while still being able to soul ride up on the nose, making it the perfect Blend.

“Round nose to flat concave in the middle with V in the tail”

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